
Karma Says…

Quite a few times I have heard people say "he/she is only living the fruits of his/her karma". Everytime, I hear someone pass a judgement like that, I feel immensely sad about the insensitivity of the statement. To me, saying something like this to a person undergoing hardships is being compassionless. In the guise of such a statement, people consciously or unconsciouly shun away their responsibility to be kind, to do/say something soothing, to offer short they let go of their responsibility to make this world a better place. What they do not realize is that they are also losing the opportunity to uplift their own Karma. In that moment they are sowing the seeds of heartlessness which will only reap mercilessness. If only they were mindful of this, I am sure they would never pass a judgement on someone's Karma. Instead, atleast for their own good they would use situations like these as an opportunity to be gentle, to use kind words, to offer a hand or a